A Non-Profit Organization
We are the voices for those who cannot seek justice for themselves
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Website Developed and Maintained by Website to the Rescue

Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Voices for Pets

Voices For Pets is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and your donations are tax-deductible.
For your donation record, our Federal EIN is 68-0426925.

You Can Donate Online by using our secure PayPal account
(To learn more about PayPal, visit www.paypal.com)
You Can Donate By Mail

If you prefer, you can donate via postal mail by sending your check, money order to:

Voices For Pets
P.O. Box 30836
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Why We Need Your Help and Donations
Voices For Pets is an all-volunteer organization. No one in the organization is paid for their work. The bulk of the funds you donate is used for two purposes:

1. To pay the veterinary bills for injured animals, and
2. To print and mail the informational updates that let people know about new animal abuse cases, update ongoing cases, and provide details about court dates and how to contact public officials, the judicial system, the media and our communities to make our outrage heard.

Because of your support, as you can see from the stories in this mailing, we have been able to make a real difference in animals' lives and in the way the legal system views and treats the people who abuse them.

Our "clients" are rich only in the many gifts they give us daily: Their love, companionship, affection and trust. The work we do on their behalf is one way we try to thank them for enriching our lives.

Only with your continued generous support can we continue to be the voices for those who cannot speak for themselves.
We have come a long way since Voices for Pets started in 1993, when it was standard to only charge an animal cruelty misdemeanor with no jail time. We started getting some felony charges, only to see them plea-bargained down to misdemeanors. Today we are getting more felony convictions with jail time, but only in those cases that we respond to with tremendous effort.

Cruelty to animals is where domestic violence was twenty years ago, when the police did not want to get involved and no one did jail time.

Every individual has the basic right to be free from the intentional infliction of fear, pain, torture, suffering, and death. When that basic right is violated by sadistic, cowardly humans against those who cannot speak for themselves, Voices For Pets does respond.

The work we do is only possible with your contributions.
To continue being effective, Voices For Pets needs your continued support. Not everyone can donate. The work you do is equally as important, but if you can help pay the bills, please make your tax-deductible donation today. If you have already given Voices For Pets a donation, please consider doing it again. The more work we do, the better results we get. The more work we do, the more the bills come in.

We are the voices for those who cannot seek justice for themselves and we are being heard.

We and our animal clients Thank You !